Jeff Fortenberry, a US congressman, was evicted by a Nigerian billionaire.

A jury found that Nebraska Republican congressman Jeff Fortenberry (seen here) lied about his involvement with Nigerian billionaire Gilbert Chagoury


For lying about fundraising ties to an African millionaire, a US member might be expelled from Congress.

A Republican from Nebraska, Jeff Fortenberry, lied to the FBI about receiving illegal donations from Gilbert.

A federal jury found Chagoury, a high-flying Nigerian businessman, guilty.


On three felony counts, he could face a sentence of 15 years in jail.

The lawsuit has also re-ignited debate over foreign influences’ access to US politics.

Foreign nationals are prohibited from making political contributions, although Mr Chagoury, 75, has made many.

The US authorities fined him $1.8 million (£1.4 million) in 2019, and several of his donors were probed.

He made an unlawful donation of $30,000 (£22,736) in Congressman Fortenberry, funneling monies to him
through donors at a Los Angeles event.

Mr Chagoury, a Paris-based manufacturer, was well-known. His name is engraved on a wing of the Louvre Museum,
and he was previously denied entry to the United States due to supposed ties to Hezbollah fighters.

He was previously a prominent adviser to Nigerian military ruler Sani Abacha, who was later revealed to have
stolen billions from the country while serving as its president in the 1990s.

Mr. Chagoury is also the ambassador of the island nation of St Lucia to the Vatican. He and Fortenberry, 61,
have been tied to a Washington-based charity called In Defense of Christians. He is said to be a devoted Catholic.
Officials have yet to state so clearly.

he and Fortenberry, 61, have been connected to a Washington-based charitable brought In Defense of Christians.


Authorities are yet to expressly say why he designated the senator, yet US Justice Department reports guarantee Mr Chagoury
was encouraged to “add to US legislators from less crowded states” on the grounds that the gifts would be “more recognizable”.

In a recorded call, Fortenberry was informed that he had likely gotten $30,000 illicitly through partners of Mr Chagoury.

However, in gatherings with FBI specialists, Fortenberry denied any information, letting them know he would have been
“sickened” to hear such a case.

Investigators contended he then, at that point “over and again” covered the gift all together “to safeguard his work,
his standing and his nearby partners”.

Why billionaire mogul Gilbert Chagoury now avoids Nigeria


On Thursday, legal hearers at his preliminary in Los Angeles thought for around two hours prior to viewing him to be
blameworthy on charges of making bogus states and hiding realities to government specialists.

“Assuming we need anybody to keep the law, eventually it begins with the administrators,” Chief examiner Mack Jenkins
said. “We hold them to a better quality.”

He is supposed to be condemned on 28 June, however has said he will pursue the decision.

In spite of the fact that he isn’t expected to do as such, Republicans and Democrats in the US House of Representatives
have called for him to leave.

In the event that he doesn’t, he is very nearly 100% to be ousted, as has been the situation for past Congress individuals sentenced for lawful offenses.

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